This is a workout that requires limited equipment (yoga mat, straight + circular exercise band) Yoga warmup: child's pose, hip circles, cat/cow, broken toe, down dog, flow, standing forward fold,...
Yoga * Fitness * Writing
This is a workout that requires limited equipment (yoga mat, straight + circular exercise band)
Yoga warmup: child’s pose, hip circles, cat/cow, broken toe, down dog, flow, standing forward fold, swimmers shoulder rotation, tadasana with deep breath.
Curtsey lunge 1 min per leg
Lat pull with lunge 30 sec dynamic, 30 second hold per leg
Bear crawl 1 min
Down dog/plank to lunge 1 min each leg
push-ups x 20
Abs/side plank/superman with bands (abduction/adduction) 2 min
REPEAT 3-5 times 40-60 minutes including warm-up and cooldown + stretch
Cool down + stretch: Pigeon + quads, down dog, forward fold, shoulder rotation with band.